1. Spend $5 minimum on FaceBook
2. Make sure you have your FaceBook page and Instagram page available
3. Create minimum advert with three images or a video Advertisement
4. Write advert content Sinhala/English effectively
5. Make sure all advert content fits to mobile and desktop versions of Facebook and Instagram
6. Set up targeted environment and run campaign automatically
1. Spend $5 minimum for FaceBook
2. Make sure you have your FaceBook page and Instagram page available
3. Create minimum advert with three images or a video Advertisement
4. Write advert content Sinhala/English effectively
5. Make sure all advert content fits to mobile and desktop versions of Facebook and Instagram
6. Make customer aware about the planned documentation and share ideas
7. Set up targeted environment and run campaign manually with in a targeted community
8. Share statistics with customer
1. Spend money on FaceBook depending on Pay Per Click
2. Make sure you have your FaceBook page and Instagram page available
3. Create minimum advert with three images or a video advertisement
4. Write advert content Sinhala/English effectively
5. Make sure all advert content fits to mobile and desktop versions of Facebook and Instagram
6. Make customer aware about the planned documentation and share ideas
7. Create a Lead Form
8. Set up targeted environment and manual placement with in a targeted community
9. Share statistics plus collected lead information with customer
1. Spend money on FaceBook depending on Pay Per Click
2. Make sure you have your FaceBook page, Instagram page available and own website
3. Create minimum advert with three images or a video advertisement
4. Write advert content Sinhala/English effectively
5. Make sure all advert content fits to mobile and desktop versions of Facebook and Instagram
6. Make customer aware about the planned documentation and share ideas
7. Create a Lead Form
8. Set up targeted environment and manual placement with in a targeted community
9. Set up Facebook Pixel code with in the targeted customer’s website and pages
9. Share website traffic, statistics plus collected lead information with customer